Information for Outgoing International Students – Pannonia Scholarship







1. Pannónia for Studies

Important Information for Outgoing International Students – Pannonia Scholarship

For the academic year 2024/25, Széchenyi István University has opened the opportunity of Pannónia scholarship for international self-funded students of any department.

This scholarship is not available for student with international scholarship. (Stipendium Hungaricum, SCYP)

The list of our partner institutions is available here.

On the Host Institution’s Website:

  • Check deadlines
  • Review the current course list (or request it from the host institution)

Application to the Host Institution:

  • Complete the online application process: follow the instructions in the application guide or the information provided by the partner institution, adhering to the deadlines

Questions to the Host Institution:

  • Dates
  • Accommodation
  • Course list (if not available on the website or unclear)
  • Exact arrival and departure dates

Following a Successful Application:

  • Completion and signing of the Programme Supervisor and Departmental Coordinator Authorization form
    (Template available under the "Essential Documents" section.)

  • Completion and signing of the Learning Agreement (LA)
    (In table A of the Learning Agreement you must enter a list of the courses taken abroad and in table B the equivalent of the courses from table A recognised in Hungary. If there is no Hungarian equivalent, you must enter the subject from Table A again.)

  • The list of Departmental Coordinators is available here (they can also provide information about contacting Programme Supervisors).

In the mobility semester, at least 30 credits must be taken together with the credits taken at SZE, of which at least 15 credits must be from courses taken at the foreign institution. If a student fails to complete the minimum number of credits (15) at the foreign university, he/she may be subject to full or partial repayment of the scholarship. The number of credits completed at home does not affect the scholarship contract.

Domestic Studies:

  • Enrolment in the current semester is mandatory.
  • Postponement or passivation of studies is not allowed.
  • If necessary, arrange for a special study schedule promptly with the Study Office.
    (Details on application methods and deadlines can be found on the Study Office/NEPTUN system.)

Széchenyi István University recognises and all credits earned abroad and enters them into NEPTUN system.

If you wish to have credits earned abroad recognised in a later semester, you must submit a Credit Transfer Application in the semester of recognition. You can manage it in the NEPTUN system.

If the scholarship holder takes courses during the semester and cannot attend in person, a special study schedule must be requested. In this case you are allowed not to attend the course personally in the Széchenyi István Egyetem. This must be discussed with the Departmental Coordinator and the teacher as well.The Study Office is dealing with the reduced tuition schedule.

Before Travelling (approximately one month prior):

Travel Support for Short-Term Mobility in the Pannonia Scholarship Programme:

The revision of the Implementation Guide for the Pannonia Scholarship Programme, effective from 17 January 2025, allows students participating in short-term mobility to be eligible for travel support. Accordingly, a supplementary support may be claimed for one day before the start and one day after the completion of the mobility period.

Travel support is available to students participating in short-term mobility under the Pannonia Scholarship Programme from 17 January 2025 onwards.

Duration of the allowance:
The supplementary support can be claimed for a maximum of one day before and one day after the mobility period, equivalent to the daily mobility scholarship amount.
The total number of supported days—including both mobility and travel days—must not exceed 30 days.

Support disbursement:
The financial support will only be disbursed if all required documents are submitted in full.

Required documents:

  • Travel documents verifying the date of travel: (e.g., airline ticket, train ticket, bus ticket) corresponding to the days before or after the mobility period.
  • Travelling by car: Completion of the designated form and submission of supporting documents obtained in the host institution’s city (e.g., fuel receipt or parking receipt) for the day before and/or after the programme. Please find the form here.

At the International Office (NPAK) (Room IG 103):

Sign the Scholarship Agreement regarding the awarded funding. The following documents must be submitted:

  • The Learning Agreement signed by both institutions.
  • The signed Programme Supervisor/Coordinator Authorization form.
  • For contract signing, please fill out the following form with your personal and academic details.

The disbursement of the scholarship amount will be initiated after signing the agreement.

Scholarship Disbursement:

Long term mobility:

The university will transfer the scholarship in two instalments:

  • 1 month scholarship upon submitting Letter of Arrival
  • Up to 90% of the amount upon signing the agreement.
  • The remaining 10% upon completing the mobility programme.

Short term mobility:

The university will transfer the scholarship in one instalment:

  • 100% of the amount upon signing the agreement.


MODIFICATIONS (e.g., course changes/extensions):
It is necessary to consult with the programme coordinator.

Changes must be recorded in the Learning Agreement for Exceptional Changes. The signed Learning Agreement must be submitted to NPAK.
(A template can be found below, under the downloadable documents section.)

If needed, additional rows may be inserted into the table.

Should any issues arise, they must be reported to NPAK.

If unforeseen circumstances hinder earning the minimum 15 credits, please inform your programme coordinator as soon as possible. Contact information for departmental coordinators can be found here: Departmental Coordinators.

We will strive to find a solution to the problem. For more information, please refer to the after the mobility section.


Applicants may request:

  • Tuition fee support
  • Housing support
  • Travel support

Under the Excellence Scholarship Programme, reimbursement for tuition fees, housing, and travel costs is based on actual expenses incurred. The aim is to cover all costs for the scholarship recipient. Consequently, the recipient must account for the funding received in detail.

The following supporting documents must be retained regarding the use of funds:

  • For travel support:

    • Original invoices, receipts, and other documents evidencing the actual travel costs incurred
    • Travel documents (e.g., tickets, boarding passes) indicating the travel dates
    • The agreement signed with the student, substantiating the payment
    • Payment receipts related to the support
  • For housing support:

    • A copy of the contract with the housing provider, indicating the housing costs and the service period
    • Payment receipts related to housing costs
    • The agreement signed with the student, substantiating the payment
    • Payment receipts related to the support
  • For tuition fee support:

    • The contract with the host institution, detailing the tuition fees
    • Payment receipts for the tuition fees
    • The agreement signed with the student, substantiating the payment
    • Payment receipts related to the support


If a force majeure event occurs during the project, the student must immediately notify Széchenyi István University in an official letter detailing the nature, expected duration, and foreseeable impacts of the event. (Email:

Requests related to force majeure situations will be assessed individually by SZE.

If a participant interrupts their mobility due to force majeure and returns home earlier than planned, thus failing to meet the required minimum mobility duration, they must submit:

  • A detailed request explaining the situation
  • Supporting documentation
  • Proof of the duration completed, to their institutional coordinator.



After the mobility:

Students have to deliver the following documents after their mobility to close their scholarship:

- Letter of Participation

- Transcript of Records (The receiving institution will issue this document, which includes the completed courses, credits and grades.) or Learning Agreement (After the mobility)

Required Documents:

  • Signing the "Letter of Participation" with the host institution (this document verifies the study period).
  • Submitting the "Certificate/Transcript of Records" (this document lists the completed subjects, results, and credits obtained).

The Transcript of Records is typically issued by the host institution based on its own template. If no such template exists, the "After the Mobility" section of the Learning Agreement serves as the equivalent of a Transcript and can be used accordingly.

Credit Recognition:

All periods of study abroad—including traineeships, but excluding recent graduate traineeships—must form part of the student's degree programme in any academic cycle. The activities carried out during the mobility period must be accepted by the sending institution and fully integrated into the curriculum, in proportion to the mobility period.

The credit recognition form can assist in addressing potential issues, such as recognising an 8-credit course taken abroad or accounting for voluntary traineeships. Please complete the form, which must be signed by the course instructor, programme director, or exchange programme coordinator.

The forms can be downloaded below:

  • Credit Recognition – Student Study Mobility
  • Credit Recognition – Short-Term Mobility
  • Credit Recognition – traineeship

Individual Visual Report:

Prepare a personal, visual report for the website or publications.

Reports are welcome in any format, with or without pictures. The final material can be submitted as a Word document, PowerPoint presentation, blog post, or video.

We encourage content on any topic you’d like to share with other participants or those considering mobility. Our goal is to provide inspiration and practical insights for prospective participants.

Student Report:

Participants of the Pannónia Scholarship Program are required to complete a student report upon their return.

If a student has participated in multiple mobilities, a separate report must be submitted for each mobility.

Reimbursement of Travel Costs:

Submit travel invoices to EHÖK for reimbursement of eligible support.

Travel Support for Short-Term Mobility:

The payment of travel support is made upon presentation of documents verifying the date of travel (e.g., flight ticket, train ticket, bus ticket) for one day before the start and one day after the completion of the mobility.




2. Pannónia for Traineeship

In case of an traineeship mobility, students have to find themselves a company, where they can spend their traineeship. 

Check the following website for help looking for traineeship abroad:

Domestic Studies:

  • Enroll for active student status for the current semester.

  • Arrange a special study schedule in time at the Academic Office if needed.

  • Approval of mandatory traineeships must be arranged with the relevant department.

Before Departure (Approximately 1 Month Prior):

  • Obtain a European Health Insurance Card and/or private accident, health, and baggage insurance.
  • Arrange liability insurance for the traineeship period if the host company does not provide it.

Information for students traveling abroad for traineeships:

  1. European Health Insurance Card (EHIC):

    • Attach a scanned copy of the side displaying personal details.
    • In Győr, it can be issued at the National Health Insurance Fund (Győr, Szabolcska Mihály u. 1).
    • Foreign nationals can receive an EHIC if they have valid Hungarian state health insurance (TAJ card).
    • Without a TAJ card, private accident/health insurance must be purchased.
    • In some cases, insurance may already be linked to a bank card; students must obtain proof from their bank or download it from the bank’s website, detailing:
      • Name of the insured
      • Insurance period (must cover the full mobility duration)
      • Coverage (accident and appropriate liability insurance)
      • Policy number
  2. Liability Insurance (for traineeships only):

    • If the host institution provides insurance, and it is indicated in Table C of the Mobility Agreement (marking "Liability Insurance Yes"), no additional proof or policy is required.
    • If students must arrange their own insurance in Hungary, they should explore options online.
    • For example, ESN (Erasmus+ Student Network) recommends Dr. Walter, which offers combined accident and liability insurance:
      Protrip-World Liability

At the International Office (NPAK):
Scholarship contract signing based on the awarded support (Administration Building, Room 103):

  • Submit the Learning Agreement signed by both institutions.
  • Submit the signed permission from the programme supervisor or exchange coordinator.
  • Complete the required form with personal and academic information for the contract.

The scholarship amount is disbursed after contract signing:

  • 90% of the scholarship upon signing the contract.
  • The remaining 10% after completing the mobility.

For recent graduate traineenships, the scholarship is disbursed in installments upon presentation of valid proof:

  • Payment is made retroactively upon submitting proof (minimum 30 days).

Students have to dowload the documents below. The filled and signes documents must be delivered to the Centre of International Programmes (103 room).


Students have to deliver the following documents after their mobility to close their scholarship:

- Letter of Participation

- Learning Agreement - After the mobility


During the Traineeship

Modifications (e.g., course changes/extensions):

  • Discuss with the programme coordinator in case of changes.
  • Record the changes in the "During the Mobility" section of the Mobility Agreement, and submit the signed document to NPAK.
  • The template is available under the "Downloadable Documents" section.
  • For any issues, contact NPAK immediately.

Force Majeure:

  • In case of force majeure during the project, notify Széchenyi István University immediately with a formal letter detailing the nature, expected duration, and foreseeable impacts. (Email:
  • Force majeure requests are reviewed individually by SZE.
  • If mobility is interrupted due to force majeure and the participant returns home earlier than planned, they must submit a detailed request, supporting documents, and proof of the completed period to the institutional coordinator.


After the Traineeship.

Final Requirements:

  • Have the host institution sign the "Letter of Participation" (this verifies the study period).

  • Submit the "Certificate/Transcript of Records" (listing completed courses, results, and credits).

    • If no host institution template is available, the Mobility Agreement After the Mobility section serves as the equivalent.
  • Reimburse travel expenses is possible if you apply for the travel aid on the EHÖK website and if the invoices are submitted to EHÖK after the mobility.

  • Student Report:
    Participants of the Pannónia Scholarship Program are required to complete a student report upon their return.
    If a student has participated in multiple mobilities, a separate report must be submitted for each mobility.
  • Optionally prepare an individual, visual report for the website or publications. Reports can include photos and be submitted as Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, blog posts, or videos.

For further questions please contact Centre of International Programmes and Alumni (