
Nemzetközi Programok és Alumni Központ

H-9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. 

(Igazgatási Épület 103.)

+36 96/613-560







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Pannónia Ösztöndíjprogram – Hallgatói résztvevői beszámoló

Pannónia Scholarship Programme  – Participant Report



A Pannónia Ösztöndíjprogram résztvevőinek KÖTELEZŐ hazaérkezésük után kitölteniük az alábbi beszámolót.

Amennyiben valaki több mobilitáson vett részt, minden egyes mobilitásra külön beszámolót szükséges kitölteni.

Ez a mobilitási tapasztalatokról szóló beszámoló értékes információkat nyújt, amely segíti a jövőbeli ösztöndíjasokat a felkészülésben, valamint hozzájárul a program folyamatos fejlesztéséhez.

Az űrlap magyarul vagy angolul egyaránt kitölthető.

A beszámolóban megadott személyes adatokat bizalmasan kezeljük, kizárólag a program adatbázisában tároljuk, és harmadik fél számára nem tesszük hozzáférhetővé. A jelentés benyújtását követően az adatok kizárólag a programot koordináló intézmények, azok koordinációs irodái, valamint a Tempus Közalapítvány számára lesznek elérhetők. Az adatkezelés a GDPR előírásainak megfelelően történik. Részletes tájékoztatás az alábbi linken található:

Kérjük, hogy a beszámoló kitöltése előtt készítse elő a Támogatási Szerződés, Learning Agreement és – amennyiben releváns – a Transcript of Records dokumentumokat.

A jelen résztvevői beszámolóban használt 'course' kifejezés a Learning Agreement/Mobility Agreement-ben szereplő általánosabb 'tanulási tevékenységre' utal.

Köszönjük, hogy közreműködésével hozzájárult a kérdőív kitöltéséhez.


Participants of the Pannonia Scholarship Program are REQUIRED to complete the following report after returning home.

If you have participated in multiple mobilities, you must fill out a separate report for each one.

This report on mobility experiences provides valuable information that helps future scholarship recipients prepare for their mobility period and contributes to the continuous development of the program.

The form can be filled out in either Hungarian or English.

The personal data provided in the report will be treated confidentially, stored exclusively in the program’s database, and will not be shared with third parties. After submission, the data will only be accessible to the institutions coordinating the program, their coordination offices, and the Tempus Public Foundation. Data processing complies with GDPR regulations. For detailed information, please refer to the following link:

Before filling out the report, please prepare your Scholarship Agreement, Learning Agreement, and – if applicable – your Transcript of Records.

The term 'course' used in this participant report should be understood as referring to the broader term 'educational component' as stated in the Learning Agreement/Mobility Agreement.

Thank you for your cooperation in completing the questionnaire.




1. Identification of the Participant
1.1. First name: * 
1.2. Last name: * 
1.3. Neptun code: * 
1.4. Email address where I can be contacted in the future: * 
1.5. Your gender: * 

2. Identification of the Mobility data
2.1. Contract Number of the Scholarship Agreement: * 
You can find the contract number at the top of your Scholarship Agreement. It starts with: PANP-00002-001
2.2. Mobility start and end date (date of the physical component): * 
2.3. Receiving institution: * 
2.4. Country of the receiving institution: * 
3. General information about your mobility
3.1. Participation in... * 

3.2. Have you participated in a mobility (short or long) prior to this mobility? * 

3.3. Did you have to pay any kind of fees in the receiving institution? * 

3.3.1. Which kind of fees * Please specify * 
3.4. Total amount paid over the Pannónia scholarship: * 
4. Motivation for your mobility
4.1. What were your main motivations for studying abroad? * 

If other, please specify * 
4.2. How did you find out about the possibility to study/work abroad with the Pannónia Scholarship Programme? * 

4.3. Are you planning to take part in Pannónia mobility again? * 

4.4. What were the criteria for you to choose your receiving institution? * 

4.5. Would it have been financially possible for you to go on a mobility stay abroad without the Pannónia scholarship? * 

5. Satisfaction with your mobility
5.1. How satisfied are you with your Pannónia Scholarship mobility experience in general? * 

5.1.1. Explanation * 
5.2. Would you recommend this experience to another student? * 

5.3. Do you feel the selection procedure at your sending institution was fair and transparent? * 

5.3.1. Explanation * 
5.4. The Pannónia Scholarship grant is intended to provide a contribution to the additional costs incurred due to your mobility compared to the cost of studying at your sending institution. According to your estimate, to what extent did the Pannónia grant contribute to your additional expenses related to your mobility period? * 
6. Learning and Teaching Quality
How satisfied were you with the quality of learning and teaching at the receiving institution? (1 Not satisfied – 2 Rather not satisfied – 3 More or less satisfied – 4 Rather satisfied – 5 Very satisfied)
6.1. The quality of content of courses. * 

6.2. The quality of teaching methods. * 

6.3. The degree of learning support received. * 

6.4. Accommodation. * 

7. Outcomes of your mobility
7.1. Do you think that you have benefited from your participation in Pannónia learning mobility? * 

7.2. Through my stay abroad with Pannónia Mobility, I learned better how to… (1 Disagree – 2 Rather disagree – 3 More or less agree – 4 Rather agree – 5 Strongly agree)
7.2.1. ...think logically and draw conclusions (analytical skills). * 

7.2.2. ...find solutions in difficult or challenging contexts (problem-solving skills). * 

7.2.3. ...plan and carry out my learning independently. * 

7.2.4. ...use online resources and devices, e.g. for my studies, work and personal activities. * 

7.2.5. ...make use of social media. * 

7.2.6. ...develop an idea and put it into practice. * 

7.2.7. ...experience and appreciate different cultures. * 

7.2.8. ...engage or interact with different social groups. * 

7.2.9. ...work better in a team. * 

7.2.10. ...plan and organise tasks and activities. * 

7.2.11. ...express myself creatively. * 

7.2.12. ...play a sport/instrument. * 

7.3. After having taken part in this mobility activity… (1 Disagree – 2 Rather disagree – 3 More or less agree – 4 Rather agree – 5 Strongly agree)
7.3.1. ...I am more confident in my abilities. * 

7.3.2. ...I know better my strengths and weaknesses. * 

7.3.3. ...I am more able to adapt to and act in new situations. * 

7.3.4. ...I am more able to think and analyse information critically. * 

7.3.5. ...I am more tolerant towards other persons' values and behaviour. * 

7.3.6. ...I feel more confident in an intercultural setting. * 

7.3.7. ...I am more open-minded and curious about new challenges. * 

7.3.8. ...I am more interested in current affairs. * 

7.3.9. ...I am more able to reach decisions. * 

7.3.10. ...I am more able to cooperate with people from other backgrounds and cultures. * 

7.3.11. ...I am more interested in international topics. * 

7.3.12. ...I have improved specific skills in my field of study. * 

7.4. Thanks to this stay abroad with Pannónia Scholarship… (1 Disagree – 2 Rather disagree – 3 More or less agree – 4 Rather agree – 5 Strongly agree)
7.4.1. ...I believe that my chances to get a new or better job have increased. * 

7.4.2. ...I have a clearer idea about my professional career aspirations and goals. * 

7.4.3. ...I have better opportunities for traineeships or student jobs in my home country * 

7.4.4. ...I am better capable of taking over work tasks with high responsibility. * 

7.4.5. ...I am more likely to become an entrepreneur. * 

7.5. How has the stay abroad changed the way you see your future work? (1 Disagree – 2 Rather disagree – 3 More or less agree – 4 Rather agree – 5 Strongly agree)
7.5.1. I can easily imagine working abroad at some point in the future. * 

7.5.2. I can easily imagine working in the country where I did my mobility period in the future. * 

7.5.3. I would like to work in an international context. * 

8. Language skill
8.1. What was the main language used by your professors? * 
8.1.1. Other: * 
8.2. Do you feel you have improved your skills in this language during your stay abroad? * 

8.3. Did you take advantage of any language support in learning this main teaching language? * 

8.4. What factors contributed the most to the improvement of your skills in this language? (Multiple answers are possible) * 

8.4.1. Other: * 
8.5. While staying abroad, did you improve your competence in other languages besides the main one used? * 

8.5.1. If yes, which one: * 
9. Recognition of mobility
9.1. Was your Mobility (Learning/Training) Agreement signed by all parties before the start of your mobility? * 

9.1.1. Remarks: * 
9.2. Was your Learning Agreement needed to be changed during your mobility * 

9.2.1. Why was it changed? * Please specify * 
9.3. Did you successfully complete all the educational / training components at the receiving institution as specified in the final version of the Mobility (Learning/Training) Agreement? * 

9.3.1. Please specify * 
9.4. Is the recognition process at the sending institution for your mobility finalized? * 

9.4.1. Please specify * 
9.5. Did you gain academic recognition from your sending institution for your mobility? * 

9.5.1. Please specify * 
9.5.2. What were the main obstacles to full recognition? * Please specify * 
9.6. Was the mobility period abroad a mandatory part of your curriculum? * 

10. Assessment of support received at the receiving institution
10.1. How satisfied were you with the support arrangements provided by your receiving institution? (1 Very dissatisfied – 2 Rather dissatisfied- 3 More or less satisfied – 4 Rather satisfied – 5 Very satisfied)
10.1.1. Administrative support. * 

10.1.2. Academic support. * 

10.1.3. Support from student initiatives/organisations. * 

10.1.4. Help with personal needs and problems. * 

10.1.5. Help with inclusion needs. * 

10.1.6. Social integration with the local students. * 

10.1.7. Engagement with the local community. * 

10.1.8. Guidance on how to find accommodation. * 

10.1.9. Assistance with dealing with questions or complaints. * 

10.2. Did you require a visa in order to participate in this mobility? * 

10.3. Did you have this type of insurance during your mobility? (Multiply answers are possible) * 

10.4. Were you, as an exchange student, treated equally compared to local students, colleagues? * 

10.4.1. Please specify * 
10.5. Was the receiving institution's course catalogue (Multiply answers are possible) * 

11. Assessment of support provided by the sending institution
11.1. How satisfied were you with the support arrangements provided by your sending institution? (1 Very dissatisfied – 2 Rather dissatisfied- 3 More or less satisfied – 4 Rather satisfied – 5 Very satisfied)
11.1.1. Administrative support. * 

11.1.2. Academic support. * 

11.1.3. Support from student initiatives/organisations. * 

11.1.4. Help with personal needs and problems. * 

11.1.5. Assistance with dealing with questions or complaints. * 

11.2. Did you receive the grant payments on time, in line with the dates mentioned in your grant agreement? * 

11.2.1. Please specify * 
12. Conclusions
If you wish, please give any additional information, observations, comments or recommendations that may be useful for students wishing to go abroad, for your sending and receiving higher education institutions, to improve the Pannónia student mobility action.  
13. Consent
13.1. I'm willing to help future exchange students based on my experience. They can contact me at my email address. * 

13.2. I agree that (parts of) this report can be published and made available to the general public. * 

13.3. I agree that my email address will be used later to contact me for further studies related to the content of this report or regarding the Pannónia and Mobility issues or promotions. *