Information about Visegrad Scholarships Program
Within Visegrad Scholarships Program, International Visegrad Fund supports Master´s and Post-Master´s studies and research activities in all disciplines and in any language for up to four semesters at accredited higher education institutions across Central and Eastern Europe.
Master and post-Master scholars and researchers who are citizens of the Visegrad countries can apply for scholarship to study at any accredited university/institute within V4 (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia) and in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine.
Visegrad Scholarships only cover studies at Master’s (MA or equivalent) or post-Master’s (doctoral studies programs or independent research e.g. at a postdoc)level. BA degree is not required at the time of application but the scholar must have completed at least 6 semesters of higher education or hold the equivalent of a Bachelor’s (BA) degree at the time of starting the scholarship.
Study period/length of support is min 1 semester (5 months), max 4 semesters (20 months) for Master’s degree studies, 2 semesters (10 months) for Post-Master’s degree studies. The amount of the support is 2,300 €/semester paid for scholar + 1,500 €/semester paid for the host institution.
Application for Visegrad Scholarships must be submitted online via by March 15, 12.00 (noon) and must include the enclosures enlisted on the website. The application system opens at the beginning of February.
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