Pannonia “To dos” for students on traineeship scholarships


Searching for a Host Company / Application Process:

Finding a Host Company:
Assistance in locating a host company can be found at the following link:

  • Selection of Specialisation/Department
  • Submission of CV, Motivation Letter/Portfolio
  • Formulating Questions:
    • Duration of placement, exact arrival/departure dates
    • Accommodation arrangements
    • Practical training plan and tasks

After Receiving a Response/Interview:

  • Completion of the Mobility Agreement for Traineeship (MAT):
    Complete the form, consult with the Exchange Departmental Coordinator, and send it to the host institution for completion and signature.

After Receiving the Signed Mobility Agreement for Traineeship:
(This can also be received via email)

  • Completion and Signing of the Programme Supervisor and Departmental Coordinator Approval:
    (The template is available under the Essential Documents section.)
  • Completion and Signing of the Mobility Agreement:
    Please read the Mobility Agreement completion guide carefully.
    (The template is available below, under the Essential Documents section.)

Domestic Studies:

  • Enrolment for Active Student Status for the Current Semester
  • Arrange for a Reduced Study Schedule (if needed) at the Academic Office:
    If you are enrolled in courses requiring attendance during the scholarship semester but cannot attend due to mobility, you must request a reduced study schedule.
    For more information on application procedures and deadlines: Academic Office/NEPTUN.
  • Approval of the Internship by the Relevant Department:
    (If the internship is mandatory)

Before Departure (approx. 1 month prior):

  • European Health Insurance Card and/or Health, Accident, Luggage Insurance
  • Liability Insurance:
    If not provided by the host company, obtain liability insurance for the internship period.

Information on Mandatory Accident and Liability Insurance for Students Travelling for an Internship:

  1. European Health Insurance Card (EHIC):
    The photographed version of the side displaying personal data is sufficient.
    In Győr, it can be obtained from the National Health Insurance Fund (Szabolcska Mihály u. 1.)
    Foreign nationals are eligible for an EHIC if they have valid state health insurance in Hungary (TAJ card).
    If you do not have a TAJ card, please arrange for private accident/health insurance.
    In some cases, the student’s bank card includes insurance; in such cases, the student must request a certificate from the bank or download it from the bank’s website, containing necessary details: insured person’s name, insured period (must cover the entire mobility), package contents (including accident and appropriate liability insurance), policy number.
  1. Liability Insurance (for internships only):
    If the host institution provides insurance and indicates this in the Training Agreement before the mobility section, Table C (by marking ‘Yes’ under „The Receiving Institution/Organisation will provide a liability insurance to the trainee” (if not provided by the sending institution): Yes ☐ No ☐
  1. ), no separate insurance certificate or policy needs to be submitted.
    In this case the student needs to arrange their own insurance, here are a few examples (commonly used by exchange students) where insurance can be purchased:

At the International Office (NPAK):

Signing the Scholarship Agreement for the Granted Support (Administrative Building, Room 103) or via Email ( :

  • Submission of the Learning Agreement signed by both institutions
  • Submission of the signed Programme Supervisor/Departmental Coordinator Approval




Modifications (e.g., subject changes/extensions)

In the event of any modifications, such as subject changes or extensions, you must consult with the Departmental Coordinator.

Changes must be indicated on the "During the Mobility" section of the Mobility Agreement. The signed Mobility Agreement should then be submitted to the International Programmes and Alumni Centre (NPAK) personally or via email to

(The template can be found under the Essential Documents section.)

If any issues arise, please inform the NPAK immediately.



Steps to Follow Upon Completion of the Mobility Programme

  1. Obtain the Signed "Letter of Participation":
    • Ensure the "Letter of Participation," which verifies the study period, is signed by the host institution.
  2. Submit the "Certificate/Transcript of Records":
    • This document lists the completed courses, including the grades and credits earned. The Transcript of Records is usually issued by the host institution using their own template. If no template is provided, the "After the Mobility" section of the Learning Agreement can be used as the Transcript.
  3. Reimbursement of Travel Expenses:
    • Submit your travel invoice to the EHÖK (Student Union) for the reimbursement of travel support.
  4. Prepare an Individual Report:
    • Create a detailed, illustrated report of your experience for publication on the website or in university publications.