Rector-Chansellor's Circular No. 3/2020, on the appearance of the Coronavirus in Hungary
Dear Colleagues,
1. In connection with the appearance of the coronavirus in Hungary, we draw your attention to the following:
The general, current procedure is available on the official website of the National Centre for Public Health on the page. More information can be found on
The attachment (source National Ambulance Service) contains a brief illustrative information sheet that provides an informative summary of the prevention and detection of the disease.
2. In order to prevent the spread of the epidemic, we are ordering the following measures at Széchenyi István University, which cover every member of the University community including employees (on both civil servant and contractee status) and students.
2.1. Teaching: Until the end of the teaching period of Spring semester in academic year 2019/2020, in the case of compulsory class attendance, including practical classes, student absences caused by the situation with the epidemic without a special medical certificate are also considered as certified absences.
During this semester, in all subjects students are to be exempted from taking written exams, except in the case of continuous assessment examination subjects.
2.2. Travel: Until 31 May 2020, all official foreign travel, regardless of source, will be cancelled. Neither is it possible until this date to make any further bookings. In order to minimise losses on trips already booked, please cooperate officially with the University.
If you are currently on an official or private trip abroad, immediately upon arrival home, contact your line manager by e-mail or telephone and check the possibility of working from home for two weeks after returning home. During this period, it is not possible to work directly from your place of work .
In the case of previously booked private journeys due to be carried out up until 31 May 2020, as described above, agree on the possibility of working from home for 2 weeks from the date of returning home. It is not possible to work directly from your place of work during this period. Please note that from now, bookings for private travel can only be made in the case of approved leave periods.
If, in the above cases, it is not possible to work from home at the discretion of the line manager, the two week absence shall be considered as a certified absence. Department managers are obliged to ensure the functioning of the department by organising tasks flexibly.
In the case of students, this two-week period shall be considered as a certified absence without a separate certificate.
2.3. Reception of guests from abroad: It is not possible to receive guests from abroad until 31 May 2020. Please reschedule the planned visits till a later date.
2.4. Events: All events at István Széchenyi University planned until 30 April 2020 will be held at a later date. This includes all programmes organized centrally or by departments or the Student Union and its subdivisions, covering, but not limited to club concerts, Job Fairs, Széchenyi University Days, conferences and Ceremonial Sessions of the Senate. An exception is the Scientific Student Conference, the opening ceremony/plenary session of which will not be held, but the sections will be held in compliance with the prescribed recommendations and precautions.
3. Final provisions: In the event of a change in the situation concerning the epidemic, we will provide information in a further circular. Please monitor the university communication interfaces.
Győr, 9 March 2020
Dr. Péter Földesi Dr. Balint Filep
Rector Chancellor