Centre of International Programmes and Alumni

Széchenyi István University continually strives to widen the scope of its international activities. To support this aim, the University founded the Centre of International Programmes and Alumni (CIPA), which under the direction of the Vice-President for International Affairs and Strategic Relations, provides a comprehensive framework for the administration of international academic affairs, including collaboration with partner institutions in the form of bi- and multilateral agreements, coordination of mobility programmes, the advertising and promotion of the nearly 40 English-taught academic programmes as well as the major cultural and academic events organised within the University’s international community. CIPA’s role naturally also encompasses all aspects of administrational support to the body of international students at the University.  


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(based on the article published in 'Győrplusz', translation: Kiviharju-Turi Adél)

It's quite hard to miss the increasing number of foreign students when strolling around Győr. We decided to find out more about who they are and what they are doing here so we asked Eszter Lukács Phd., associate professor at Széchenyi István University, Head of the Centre of International Programmes.
We have had foreign students for ages at the university through the Erasmus Programme, but now they seem to have grown in number?

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Foreign students' Christmas Charity Event

Our foreign exchange students undertook a kind and ingenious charity project on the 5th and 6th of December: to bake gingerbread cookies together and give the prepared cookie boxes to the residents of the Kálóczy Square care home.

On the day of the big bake-off (5th of December) nearly 50 people showed up, Hungarian students and a few grammar-school students, as well. The attendants were in a great mood and the event had a festive atmosphere- boys and girls were really enthusiastic kneading and rolling the dough, cutting and baking the cookie shapes and decorating the finished cookies.

On the 6th of December, a smaller group visited the residents of the care home and led by the grammar-school students performed a musical play.

After the play, 2 groups, each led by a student dressed as Santa, handed out the cookie gift boxes to the residents in the audience, then to residents who could not attend the performance for medical or any other reasons.

The programme brought the foreign and Hungarian students together. Above the integration of the foreign students, involving grammar-school students was a great success, as well. On the other hand, the programme also gave an opportunity for the elderly to get acquainted with the colourful palette of foreign students and enjoy a beautiful musical performance that brought 3 generations together. The programme greatly contributed to the integration of foreign students and their social acceptance.

More pictures in the Photogallery

The event was funded by the EFOP 3.4.3-16-2016-00016 project "Institutional development of the quality and accessibility of the higher education at Széchenyi István University" as part of a programme to promote the integration of foreign exchange students.


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Széchenyi István University in Győr on the path of internationalization


One of the greatest benefits of studying at Széchenyi István University in Győr is that the university provides practical knowledge, says Pieter Vermeulen, ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to Hungary.

Pieter Vermeulen visited the university recently and met dr. Péter Földesi rector, dr. Eszter Lukács, Vice Rector, Head of the Center of International Programs, and South African students studying in Győr. The ambassador said that the Republic of South Africa participated in the Stipendium Hungaricum program for the first time, thus he felt the feedback from the students is important.

"Our students have a good opinion of their experience at Széchenyi István University," said Pieter Vermeulen, "What I have just seen confirmed that the university of Győr offers extraordinary practical training." South African students love Győr, the only difficulty they mentioned was learning the Hungarian language. "


The ambassador emphasized that though the higher education system of the two countries is similar, many South African students find it difficult to find a job after graduation because there is no demand on the job market for the knowledge they have acquired. Nowadays training of skilled workers has come to the fore. The training at the University of Győr is also outstanding in this area as they provide practical knowledge to the students.

The university's relationships with industrial companies can also be an example for other universities as they facilitate the employment opportunities of their graduates. Finally, Pieter Vermeulen added that the industrial relations of Széchenyi István University were exemplary for him.


For this academic year, 68 students from 25 countries received funding from the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program, including Mexico, China, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Kenya, India and Iraq. Hungary has concluded intergovernmental agreements with these countries. There are currently 57 students from 12 countries studying at the University under the Erasmus program.

(based on article published in Kisalföld on 16 January 2018)

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