Coronavirus related notifications
Dear International Student,
Due to the situation with the world-wide epidemic, The Rector and the Chancellor of Széchenyi István University decree that there will be a Spring break from 12-22 March 2020. During the spring break, teaching and examinations are suspended.
The provisions of the Rector’s-Chancellor’s Circular no. 3/2020 remain in force and we ask you to keep an eye on the university’s communications. For university staff, the period of the spring break is to be considered as non-teaching work days.
This communication is issued on behalf of Dr Péter Földesi, Rector, and Dr Bálint Filep, Chancellor.
Best Regards,
Dr Eszter Lukács,
Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs
Dear International Students in the Halls of Residence,
In view of the situation with the global epidemic, the Rector and the Chancellor of Széchenyi István University have decreed a Spring break from 12 - 22 March 2020. During the spring break, teaching and examinations are suspended. The provisions of the Rector's-Chancellor's Circular no. 3/2020 remain in force.
You must have noticed that Hungarian students are moving out of the Halls of Residence on the basis of information from the University, Please be advised that international students living in the Halls of Residence are not affected and you may continue to stay in the Halls.
Please keep a constant eye on the University's official notifications.
This communication is issued on behalf of Dr Péter Földesi, Rector, and Dr Bálint Filep, Chancellor.
Best Regards,
Eszter Petra Májer
Head of centre
University Service Centre
Széchenyi István University