
Nemzetközi Programok és Alumni Központ

H-9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. 

(Igazgatási Épület 103.)

+36 96/613-560







SPIN OFF EXTRA: Vezetők testközelből 2025. Március 19. 17:30 - 20:30




Tanulási lehetőség Mexikóban


Ha beszélsz spanyolul, nem vagy az utolsó szemeszterben és szívesen mennél Mexikóba tanulni, Neked szól az alábbi lehetőség:


ENSZ előadás Győrben


Hallgatók figyelem!

Tájékoztató a A BUDAPESTI ENSZ KÖZPONTOK munklehetőségeiről

2023 május 10. 14:00

Helyszín: Széchenyi István Egyetem, Győr





Object and financing:

The purpose of this call for expressions of interest is to identify researchers of
recognised prestige, preferably those who have been awarded the Nobel Prize, Abel
Prize, Fields Medal or similar, for their possible incorporation into the Castilian and
Leonese science and research system through the signing of a contract as a
distinguished researcher under Article 23 of the Science Act for a minimum duration
of six months and a maximum of twelve months.

Expressions of interest may be submitted by the Public Universities of Castilla y León
and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) for any of its
centres based in Castilla y León.

Internal deadline at the University of León:
Until 16 July 2023, researchers, research groups and institutes of the University of León may propose
distinguished researchers who meet the requirements and who are interested in taking part in this
"Andrés Laguna" programme.

Send to
recvi@unileon.es the expression of interest, in free format, by the director of the Department,
Group or Research Institute, alluding to the suitability of the candidate's incorporation and also including
(in Spanish or English):

1) Candidate's full curriculum vitae

2) R&D project to be carried out by the researcher during his/her stay. The following sections will be

(i) Duration of stay.

(ii) R&D activities to be carried out by the researcher during his/her stay.

(iii) Expenditure budget for items described in point 3 of the Order.

(iv) Linkage of the project with the RIS3 of Castilla y León.

(v) Potential impact of the activities on the host institution(s).

(vi) Ability to generate synergies with the candidate's home institutions.

(vii) Proposals for teaching as a teacher or lecturer.

Deadline and submission of applications:
The public universities of Castilla y León and the CSIC will have until 1 September
2023 to submit their proposals for expressions of interest regarding the recruitment of
distinguished researchers and the R&D project to be developed in the entity.

Researchers of recognised international prestige to be submitted for expression of
interest must meet the following requirements:

a) Hold a doctorate degree
b) Be university professors or outstanding researchers in their field of work
attached to a foreign university or research centre of recognised prestige at the
time of submission of applications.
c) Be listed in the Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researchers List or have similar
merits, preferably having been awarded the Nobel Prize in their field, the Abel
Prize or the Fields Medal.

Proposals shall be submitted exclusively by electronic means through the electronic

The application shall be accompanied by the following documentation.

a) Curriculum vitae of the candidate submitted
b) R&D project to be developed by the researcher during his/her stay and its link
with RIS3.
c) Evaluation carried out by the Public Universities of Castilla y León and the
CSIC, as owners of the receiving centres.

5. Expressions of interest received after the deadline will not be considered.
