Study in Azerbaijan within the lntergovernmental Scholarship Programs
Within the ISPs, the education of foreign citizens and stateless persons (henceforth foreigners) is determined in accordance with the terms of the relevant treaties.
Foreigners can study at higher educational institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral degrees as well as basic medical education and
residency programs.
The tuition in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan begins on September 15.
Preparatory courses are organized for students whose knowledge ofthe tuition language or specialty does not meet the requirements. The duration of
courses is from 6 months to one year and determined by a higher education institution. In order to participate within the ISPs, the candidatures of foreigners are provided
to the Republic of Azerbaijan through diplomatic channels with the corresponding state bodies of the country the candidate(s) are citizens of (Ministry of Education or Foreign
Affairs). The admission prosses to higher education institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan is held via platform.
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