
Nemzetközi Programok és Alumni Központ

H-9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. 

(Igazgatási Épület 103.)

+36 96/613-560





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This online form has to be filled in case a Stipendium Hungarcium or Scholarship Programme for Young Christian People student wants to change her/his university or program.

Please be aware that a request for programme's change must be confirmed by the programme coordinator (Tempus Public Foundation)
More details about the change is available in the Stipendium Hungaricum Rules and Regulations: http://studyinhungary.hu/study-in-hungary/menu/stipendium-hungaricum-scholarship-programme/apply-for-a-stipendium-hungaricum-scholarship/rights-and-obligations.html
Personal Data
Which scholarship programme are you registered in?  

Your name (as appears in the passport) * 
SH or SCYP idetification number * 
Please indicate your Identification Number of Stipendium Hungaricum or Scholarship Programme for Youeng Chrishtian People. It is available on your Letter of Award.
Your home country  
Your birth day * 
Your mother's name  
Your e-mail address * 
Please indicate your gender!  

Your current study and status
Name of the current university * 
Please indicate the name of your university, where you are studying now
Your current program? * 
Please indicate the programm, on which you are studyying now.
Your current program's language. * 
Please indicate thelanguage, on which you are studyying now.
Level of your current study? * 

Your request
Requested university * 
Please, indicate, on which university you want to study form the next semester?
Your requested program? * 
Please, indicate, onwhich program and on which language you want to study form the next semester?
Your requested program's language? * 
Please indicate, on which lagnuage you want to study.
Level of your requested study? * 

Reasons * 
Please write the reasons, you want to change your current program and/or university.
Only for new admissions' requesting students
Academic results (Secondary School, BSc or MSc degree)
Max. méret 6Mb
In case you wish to continue your study at the Szechenyi Istvan University, you need to upload the scan of the following documents: In case of Bsc program: - General Certificate of Secondary Education In case of MSc program: - BSc degree In case of PhD program: - MSc degree
Transcript of Records
Max. méret 6Mb
If you wish to continue your study at the Szechenyi Istvan University, you need to upload the scan of the following documents: In case of MSc program: - Transcript of Records of your BSc courses In case of PhD program: - Research Plan and confirmed supervisor's declaration
Transcript of Records of your present study
Max. méret 6Mb
If you wish to recognise your present courses at the Szechenyi Istvan University, you need to upload the scan of the following documents: - Transcript of Records from your current (Hungarian) university In case, you dont upload anything, you agree to start the study from the beginning.
English language certificate
Max. méret 6Mb
If you wish to study in English language at the Szechenyi Istvan University, you need to upload the scan of your certificate about your English language competence. If you dont upload anything, you agree to start the study from the beginning.