Kutatási lehetőségek Németországban
Kutatási lehetőségek Németországban - Információs reggeli kutatóknak, oktatóknak és PhD hallgatóknak a DAAD szervezésében angol nyelven, Budapesten, Szegeden és Debrecenben
German Research Information Breakfast
The DAAD-Information Centre in Hungary is proud to present the German Research Information Breakfast. This event will run from 9:30-11:00 am in
Szeged, 3rd April 2019
Budapest, 5th April 2019
Debrecen, 12th April 2019
It will provide faculty, postdocs and PhD students with an overview of Germany's vibrant research landscape, useful tools for identifying potential collaborators and details on research funding opportunities. After an Info-Session there is the possibility for individual consultation with coffee and cake. All are welcome, but attendees are asked to pre-register by completing the online form found at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SU452JmrEQ0gv6g2b0WtnZ3Yza4S1mh8e4BBf2mDNDo
Info: mail@daad.info.hu