International Staff Week at the Caribbean
The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo – INTEC invites you to our International Staff Week schedule on June 23 - 27, 2025 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
We will be happy to host academic and administrative staff members from several areas of your institution who will be interested in participate. We advised participants to contact their Mobility/Internationalization/Exchange department in order to know process of getting the Erasmus+ grant (KA131 AND KA717) or Compostela grants, provided by their home institution. In case that we do not have Erasmus+ agreement between our institutions, you are still welcome in this event.
The International Staff Week is based on and seeks to achieve the following opportunities:
- Knowledge about the Higher Education Dominican Republic;
- Role and results of the HE alignment of the Erasmus+ Priorities;
- Knowledge about Dominican Republic history and culture;
- Exchange of best practices for participants and share experiences of cooperation;
- Guest lectures for students.
Register now through the following link. The deadline for the registration application is February 28, 2025. After filling this form, please submit the documents for the application process.
The interested parties must complete all the documents listed below and send them to with the subject "ISW 2025. Application documents":
- Form “Incoming Mobility Application Form Academic and Administrative Staff (GAC-FR-077)” filled
- Training and/or learning agreement (only for participants under the Erasmus+ Program) or Work Plan (only for participants under Compostela Network).
- Nomination Letter by Home Institution.
- Curriculum Vitae (of preference with Europass format).
- Passport scan.
- Profile picture. In formats JPEG, JPG or PNG.
- Short description of your profile.
- Data form for transfers
We recommend to send the above-mentioned documents until March 31, 2025, as we are working with a limited number of participants and we must complete the whole application process within the time limit.
In order to make the payment of the registration fee to this event, that would be use for management and arrangements, please find attached the bank information for the transaction (registration fee is EUR 80.00 per participant). Please share your transaction receipt to with the subject “ISW June 2025 (full name) (include your institution acronym)”.
For any consultation, feel free to contact us by email or via WhatsApp in case of emergency at +1-849-207-1044 (Cristal Céspedes).