Nemzetközi Programok és Alumni Központ
H-9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1.
(Igazgatási Épület 103.)
+36 96/613-560
SPIN OFF EXTRA: Vezetők testközelből
2025. Március 19. 17:30 - 20:30
Előző hét Havi nézet Heti nézet Napi nézet Lista nézet Következő hét |
2019. Február 25., Monday - 09. hét | |
Esemény neve | Winter Seminar 2019 |
Leírás | WINTER SEMINAR 2019
Interdisciplinary elective course
Constitutional Law and Political Sciences,
Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Széchenyi István University
Coordinator and Supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Smuk Péter, Head of Department
25 February – 1 March 2019
Venue: 12 Áldozat str. Győr, Hungary (Building of the Faculty of Law)
The interdisciplinary intensive seminar offers a university course and a forum for students and young researchers.
Noted experts, lecturers and professors from different Central European universities help to discover and discuss legal, political, social, economic and EU-aspects concerning the fundamental values in Europe and in our region.
PANELS of discussions:
o democratic procedures - elections, public opinion, political discourse;
o rule of law - division of powers, fundamental rights, judicial power;
o indentity - European and/or constitutional identity, sovereignty and EU membership;
The seminar will include academic lectures + workshop opportunities with the active contribution of participants + off-campus events + cultural evenings.
Program details
Venue – official programme: Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Building “J”
H-9026 Győr, Áldozat str. 12. (Hungary)
Period: 25 February – 1 March 2019 (academic program from Monday to Friday).
The Seminar is open for higher education students and PhD candidates as young researchers from any fields of legal, economic, media, communications, social or international studies from all over Europe.
20 places are provided for incoming students from abroad.
The language of the Seminar is English.
We present certificates on the participation and contributions.
You can obtain 5 ECTS credit points.
Registration fee: 80 EUR (shall be paid at the registration) that covers the
o accommodation in the student hostel of the University (5 minutes walk from downtown),
o technical background, handing-outs and the publication of the scientific results of workshop sessions,
o cultural programme, visit to historical places.
Application deadline:
21 January 2019
How to apply to the Winter Seminar 2019?
The application shall include:
application form (available here)
abstract in case you intend to present a paper/topic (not compulsory)
letter of recommendation from a professor (not compulsory but recommended)
All documents should be sent via e-mail to
Ms. Rita Ferenczy (assistant) – ferenczy.rita@ga.sze.hu
Prof. Peter Smuk (Head of Department) – smuk@sze.hu
The applicants will be informed about the results until 1 February 2019.
Information and contact:
on the emails above;
at http://apt.sze.hu/winsem2019
Join us on facebook:
Időpont | 2019-02-25 00:00:00 - 2019-03-01 00:00:00 |
Kategória | Deák Ferenc Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar |
Típus | Rendezvények |
Esemény neve | Nemzetközi Ösztöndíjas Konzultáció |
Leírás | Egyetemi ösztöndíjas konzultáció (ÚT 114 terem)
Az konzultációra minden érdeklődőt várunk!
Szervező: Nemzetközi Programok Központ |
Időpont | 2019-02-25 11:00:40 - 2019-02-25 12:00:58 |
Kategória | Központi események |
Típus | Hallgatói rendezvények |
Esemény neve | Szenátusi Ülés |
Leírás | |
Időpont | 2019-02-25 14:00:00 - 2019-02-25 17:00:00 |
Kategória | Központi események |
Típus | Rendezvények |
2019. Február 26., Tuesday - 09. hét | |
Esemény neve | Winter Seminar 2019 |
Leírás | WINTER SEMINAR 2019
Interdisciplinary elective course
Constitutional Law and Political Sciences,
Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Széchenyi István University
Coordinator and Supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Smuk Péter, Head of Department
25 February – 1 March 2019
Venue: 12 Áldozat str. Győr, Hungary (Building of the Faculty of Law)
The interdisciplinary intensive seminar offers a university course and a forum for students and young researchers.
Noted experts, lecturers and professors from different Central European universities help to discover and discuss legal, political, social, economic and EU-aspects concerning the fundamental values in Europe and in our region.
PANELS of discussions:
o democratic procedures - elections, public opinion, political discourse;
o rule of law - division of powers, fundamental rights, judicial power;
o indentity - European and/or constitutional identity, sovereignty and EU membership;
The seminar will include academic lectures + workshop opportunities with the active contribution of participants + off-campus events + cultural evenings.
Program details
Venue – official programme: Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Building “J”
H-9026 Győr, Áldozat str. 12. (Hungary)
Period: 25 February – 1 March 2019 (academic program from Monday to Friday).
The Seminar is open for higher education students and PhD candidates as young researchers from any fields of legal, economic, media, communications, social or international studies from all over Europe.
20 places are provided for incoming students from abroad.
The language of the Seminar is English.
We present certificates on the participation and contributions.
You can obtain 5 ECTS credit points.
Registration fee: 80 EUR (shall be paid at the registration) that covers the
o accommodation in the student hostel of the University (5 minutes walk from downtown),
o technical background, handing-outs and the publication of the scientific results of workshop sessions,
o cultural programme, visit to historical places.
Application deadline:
21 January 2019
How to apply to the Winter Seminar 2019?
The application shall include:
application form (available here)
abstract in case you intend to present a paper/topic (not compulsory)
letter of recommendation from a professor (not compulsory but recommended)
All documents should be sent via e-mail to
Ms. Rita Ferenczy (assistant) – ferenczy.rita@ga.sze.hu
Prof. Peter Smuk (Head of Department) – smuk@sze.hu
The applicants will be informed about the results until 1 February 2019.
Information and contact:
on the emails above;
at http://apt.sze.hu/winsem2019
Join us on facebook:
Időpont | 2019-02-25 00:00:00 - 2019-03-01 00:00:00 |
Kategória | Deák Ferenc Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar |
Típus | Rendezvények |
2019. Február 27., Wednesday - 09. hét | |
Esemény neve | Winter Seminar 2019 |
Leírás | WINTER SEMINAR 2019
Interdisciplinary elective course
Constitutional Law and Political Sciences,
Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Széchenyi István University
Coordinator and Supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Smuk Péter, Head of Department
25 February – 1 March 2019
Venue: 12 Áldozat str. Győr, Hungary (Building of the Faculty of Law)
The interdisciplinary intensive seminar offers a university course and a forum for students and young researchers.
Noted experts, lecturers and professors from different Central European universities help to discover and discuss legal, political, social, economic and EU-aspects concerning the fundamental values in Europe and in our region.
PANELS of discussions:
o democratic procedures - elections, public opinion, political discourse;
o rule of law - division of powers, fundamental rights, judicial power;
o indentity - European and/or constitutional identity, sovereignty and EU membership;
The seminar will include academic lectures + workshop opportunities with the active contribution of participants + off-campus events + cultural evenings.
Program details
Venue – official programme: Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Building “J”
H-9026 Győr, Áldozat str. 12. (Hungary)
Period: 25 February – 1 March 2019 (academic program from Monday to Friday).
The Seminar is open for higher education students and PhD candidates as young researchers from any fields of legal, economic, media, communications, social or international studies from all over Europe.
20 places are provided for incoming students from abroad.
The language of the Seminar is English.
We present certificates on the participation and contributions.
You can obtain 5 ECTS credit points.
Registration fee: 80 EUR (shall be paid at the registration) that covers the
o accommodation in the student hostel of the University (5 minutes walk from downtown),
o technical background, handing-outs and the publication of the scientific results of workshop sessions,
o cultural programme, visit to historical places.
Application deadline:
21 January 2019
How to apply to the Winter Seminar 2019?
The application shall include:
application form (available here)
abstract in case you intend to present a paper/topic (not compulsory)
letter of recommendation from a professor (not compulsory but recommended)
All documents should be sent via e-mail to
Ms. Rita Ferenczy (assistant) – ferenczy.rita@ga.sze.hu
Prof. Peter Smuk (Head of Department) – smuk@sze.hu
The applicants will be informed about the results until 1 February 2019.
Information and contact:
on the emails above;
at http://apt.sze.hu/winsem2019
Join us on facebook:
Időpont | 2019-02-25 00:00:00 - 2019-03-01 00:00:00 |
Kategória | Deák Ferenc Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar |
Típus | Rendezvények |
Esemény neve | Nyári záróvizsga időszak kezdete - a jogász szakon |
Leírás | |
Időpont | 2019-02-27 00:00:00 - 2019-02-27 01:00:00 |
Kategória | Deák Ferenc Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar |
Típus | Oktatáshoz kapcsolódó események |
Esemény neve | Nemzetközi Ösztöndíjas Konzultáció |
Leírás | Egyetemi ösztöndíjas konzultáció (ÚT 114 terem)
Az konzultációra minden érdeklődőt várunk!
Szervező: Nemzetközi Programok Központ |
Időpont | 2019-02-27 13:00:40 - 2019-02-27 14:00:58 |
Kategória | Központi események |
Típus | Hallgatói rendezvények |
2019. Február 28., Thursday - 09. hét | |
Esemény neve | Winter Seminar 2019 |
Leírás | WINTER SEMINAR 2019
Interdisciplinary elective course
Constitutional Law and Political Sciences,
Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Széchenyi István University
Coordinator and Supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Smuk Péter, Head of Department
25 February – 1 March 2019
Venue: 12 Áldozat str. Győr, Hungary (Building of the Faculty of Law)
The interdisciplinary intensive seminar offers a university course and a forum for students and young researchers.
Noted experts, lecturers and professors from different Central European universities help to discover and discuss legal, political, social, economic and EU-aspects concerning the fundamental values in Europe and in our region.
PANELS of discussions:
o democratic procedures - elections, public opinion, political discourse;
o rule of law - division of powers, fundamental rights, judicial power;
o indentity - European and/or constitutional identity, sovereignty and EU membership;
The seminar will include academic lectures + workshop opportunities with the active contribution of participants + off-campus events + cultural evenings.
Program details
Venue – official programme: Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Building “J”
H-9026 Győr, Áldozat str. 12. (Hungary)
Period: 25 February – 1 March 2019 (academic program from Monday to Friday).
The Seminar is open for higher education students and PhD candidates as young researchers from any fields of legal, economic, media, communications, social or international studies from all over Europe.
20 places are provided for incoming students from abroad.
The language of the Seminar is English.
We present certificates on the participation and contributions.
You can obtain 5 ECTS credit points.
Registration fee: 80 EUR (shall be paid at the registration) that covers the
o accommodation in the student hostel of the University (5 minutes walk from downtown),
o technical background, handing-outs and the publication of the scientific results of workshop sessions,
o cultural programme, visit to historical places.
Application deadline:
21 January 2019
How to apply to the Winter Seminar 2019?
The application shall include:
application form (available here)
abstract in case you intend to present a paper/topic (not compulsory)
letter of recommendation from a professor (not compulsory but recommended)
All documents should be sent via e-mail to
Ms. Rita Ferenczy (assistant) – ferenczy.rita@ga.sze.hu
Prof. Peter Smuk (Head of Department) – smuk@sze.hu
The applicants will be informed about the results until 1 February 2019.
Information and contact:
on the emails above;
at http://apt.sze.hu/winsem2019
Join us on facebook:
Időpont | 2019-02-25 00:00:00 - 2019-03-01 00:00:00 |
Kategória | Deák Ferenc Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar |
Típus | Rendezvények |
Esemény neve | RGDI kutatói szeminárium |
Leírás | A Széchenyi István Egyetem Regionális- és Gazdaságtudományi Doktori Iskola ezúton tisztelettel meghívja Önt a
Időpont | 2019-02-28 10:30:00 - 2019-02-28 11:30:00 |
Kategória | Kautz Gyula Gazdaságtudományi Kar |
Típus | Rendezvények |
2019. Március 1., Friday - 09. hét | |
Esemény neve | Winter Seminar 2019 |
Leírás | WINTER SEMINAR 2019
Interdisciplinary elective course
Constitutional Law and Political Sciences,
Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Széchenyi István University
Coordinator and Supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Smuk Péter, Head of Department
25 February – 1 March 2019
Venue: 12 Áldozat str. Győr, Hungary (Building of the Faculty of Law)
The interdisciplinary intensive seminar offers a university course and a forum for students and young researchers.
Noted experts, lecturers and professors from different Central European universities help to discover and discuss legal, political, social, economic and EU-aspects concerning the fundamental values in Europe and in our region.
PANELS of discussions:
o democratic procedures - elections, public opinion, political discourse;
o rule of law - division of powers, fundamental rights, judicial power;
o indentity - European and/or constitutional identity, sovereignty and EU membership;
The seminar will include academic lectures + workshop opportunities with the active contribution of participants + off-campus events + cultural evenings.
Program details
Venue – official programme: Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Building “J”
H-9026 Győr, Áldozat str. 12. (Hungary)
Period: 25 February – 1 March 2019 (academic program from Monday to Friday).
The Seminar is open for higher education students and PhD candidates as young researchers from any fields of legal, economic, media, communications, social or international studies from all over Europe.
20 places are provided for incoming students from abroad.
The language of the Seminar is English.
We present certificates on the participation and contributions.
You can obtain 5 ECTS credit points.
Registration fee: 80 EUR (shall be paid at the registration) that covers the
o accommodation in the student hostel of the University (5 minutes walk from downtown),
o technical background, handing-outs and the publication of the scientific results of workshop sessions,
o cultural programme, visit to historical places.
Application deadline:
21 January 2019
How to apply to the Winter Seminar 2019?
The application shall include:
application form (available here)
abstract in case you intend to present a paper/topic (not compulsory)
letter of recommendation from a professor (not compulsory but recommended)
All documents should be sent via e-mail to
Ms. Rita Ferenczy (assistant) – ferenczy.rita@ga.sze.hu
Prof. Peter Smuk (Head of Department) – smuk@sze.hu
The applicants will be informed about the results until 1 February 2019.
Information and contact:
on the emails above;
at http://apt.sze.hu/winsem2019
Join us on facebook:
Időpont | 2019-02-25 00:00:00 - 2019-03-01 00:00:00 |
Kategória | Deák Ferenc Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar |
Típus | Rendezvények |
2019. Március 2., Saturday - 09. hét |
2019. Március 3., Sunday - 09. hét | |
Esemény neve | Fiatalok IstenTisztelete |
Leírás | |
Időpont | 2019-03-03 20:00:00 - 2019-03-03 21:00:00 |
Kategória | Központi események |
Típus | Egyházi és állami ünnepnapok |