
Nemzetközi Programok és Alumni Központ

H-9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. 

(Igazgatási Épület 103.)

+36 96/613-560







SPIN OFF EXTRA: Vezetők testközelből 2025. Március 19. 17:30 - 20:30



Erasmus oktatói mobilitási lehetőség Leon-ba (Spanyolország)

Minden kedves oktató figyelmébe ajánljuk az alábbi oktatói mobilitási lehetőséget:

We are happy to announce a call for faculty exchange in the 2019-2020 academic year. It would be an honor to welcome your faculty members to give lectures in their specialized field at ULE and to have our faculty teaching at your institution.


You will find attached a document summing up the call for teaching for your faculty to come to Universidad de León (ULE), and the offer of ULE  faculty to teach at your university


We kindly ask that you share this document and email with your faculty, and invite you or them to contact us  if you have any  other questions. 


We hope this information can help our faculty to connect with each other and our institutions to boost our internationalization. We would also like to introduce our Co-Teaching Program, developed at ULE to promote international mobility and cooperation.


This program allows faculty to meet international pairs facilitating the promotion of both institutions, the exchanging of scholars, academic information, and materials in the belief that the research and educational process at both institutions will be enhanced and that mutual understanding between their respective scholars and students will be increased by the establishment of such exchange programs.


The funding conditions of this program are as follows:

  • The Home Institution agrees to fund a grant which will allow the participant to finance his travel expenses

 and an Accident and Travel Insurance policy.

  • The Host Institution agrees to cover meals and accommodation of the visiting professors during at least one full week.

We would be happy to give more information on this program to anyone interested.